curvellas: and we won’t even get started on how women are socialized to accept hyperpigmentation, acne and acne scarring, skin discoloration and uneven texture on men even though those things are considered to be extremely unattractive on a woman.
curvellas: and we won’t even get started on how women are socialized to accept hyperpigmentation, acne and acne scarring, skin discoloration and uneven texture on men even though those things are considered to be extremely unattractive on a woman.
curvellas: and we won’t even get started on how women are socialized to accept hyperpigmentation, acne and acne scarring, skin discoloration and uneven texture on men even though those things are considered to be extremely unattractive on a woman.
curvellas: and we won’t even get started on how women are socialized to accept hyperpigmentation, acne and acne scarring, skin discoloration and uneven texture on men even though those things are considered to be extremely unattractive on a woman.