lariren-shadow: “This scarf belonged to my father, it’s all I have left of him.” Mako “Mako look! Dad’s wearing your scarf!” Bolin See this is what I love. Mako will forever see that scarf as belonging to his father.
lariren-shadow: “This scarf belonged to my father, it’s all I have left of him.” Mako “Mako look! Dad’s wearing your scarf!” Bolin See this is what I love. Mako will forever see that scarf as belonging to his father.
lariren-shadow: “This scarf belonged to my father, it’s all I have left of him.” Mako “Mako look! Dad’s wearing your scarf!” Bolin See this is what I love. Mako will forever see that scarf as belonging to his father.
lariren-shadow: “This scarf belonged to my father, it’s all I have left of him.” Mako “Mako look! Dad’s wearing your scarf!” Bolin See this is what I love. Mako will forever see that scarf as belonging to his father.