supernatasha: In honor of Seattle raising their minimum wage to $15/hour, allow me to share with you three members of the city council that came to this decision and who should be more widely recognized in general: Kshama Sawant: Indian socialist woman
supernatasha: In honor of Seattle raising their minimum wage to $15/hour, allow me to share with you three members of the city council that came to this decision and who should be more widely recognized in general: Kshama Sawant: Indian socialist woman
supernatasha: In honor of Seattle raising their minimum wage to $15/hour, allow me to share with you three members of the city council that came to this decision and who should be more widely recognized in general: Kshama Sawant: Indian socialist woman
supernatasha: In honor of Seattle raising their minimum wage to $15/hour, allow me to share with you three members of the city council that came to this decision and who should be more widely recognized in general: Kshama Sawant: Indian socialist woman