horns-of-mischief: carry-on-my-wayward-butt: mspandarew: The 12th Doctor is revealed It is a woman it is Pepper Potts from Iron man Dr. Pepper #the only problem #she would be too competent #there wouldn’t be any drama #pepper potts #doesn’t
horns-of-mischief: carry-on-my-wayward-butt: mspandarew: The 12th Doctor is revealed It is a woman it is Pepper Potts from Iron man Dr. Pepper #the only problem #she would be too competent #there wouldn’t be any drama #pepper potts #doesn’t
horns-of-mischief: carry-on-my-wayward-butt: mspandarew: The 12th Doctor is revealed It is a woman it is Pepper Potts from Iron man Dr. Pepper #the only problem #she would be too competent #there wouldn’t be any drama #pepper potts #doesn’t
horns-of-mischief: carry-on-my-wayward-butt: mspandarew: The 12th Doctor is revealed It is a woman it is Pepper Potts from Iron man Dr. Pepper #the only problem #she would be too competent #there wouldn’t be any drama #pepper potts #doesn’t