bryankonietzko: RYU CARICATURES OF KORRA BOOK 3 CREW –VERSUS– KORRA BOOK 3 CREW CARICATURES OF RYU We have a much bigger in-house crew these days, with full design and storyboard departments like we used to have on Avatar. Ryu couldn’t help himself
bryankonietzko: RYU CARICATURES OF KORRA BOOK 3 CREW –VERSUS– KORRA BOOK 3 CREW CARICATURES OF RYU We have a much bigger in-house crew these days, with full design and storyboard departments like we used to have on Avatar. Ryu couldn’t help himself
bryankonietzko: RYU CARICATURES OF KORRA BOOK 3 CREW –VERSUS– KORRA BOOK 3 CREW CARICATURES OF RYU We have a much bigger in-house crew these days, with full design and storyboard departments like we used to have on Avatar. Ryu couldn’t help himself