i was talking with @keena-kapu once about if sun was an orphan and was adopted by the belladonnas, but ghira was like “no why” about itthen i was thinking since i like sun/ruby, taiyang could be his dad (in-law) and they can bond over being blonde
i was talking with @keena-kapu once about if sun was an orphan and was adopted by the belladonnas, but ghira was like “no why” about itthen i was thinking since i like sun/ruby, taiyang could be his dad (in-law) and they can bond over being blonde
i was talking with @keena-kapu once about if sun was an orphan and was adopted by the belladonnas, but ghira was like “no why” about itthen i was thinking since i like sun/ruby, taiyang could be his dad (in-law) and they can bond over being blonde
i was talking with @keena-kapu once about if sun was an orphan and was adopted by the belladonnas, but ghira was like “no why” about itthen i was thinking since i like sun/ruby, taiyang could be his dad (in-law) and they can bond over being blonde