[11:48:29 PM] dash: HELP ME[11:48:51 PM] Kai: what[11:48:52 PM] Kai: lolol[11:49:46 PM] dash: sad movie about old lesbians[11:50:02 PM] Kai: i understood that :P[11:50:04 PM] dash: one passed away[11:50:06 PM] Kai: it was just surprising[11:50:09 PM]
[11:48:29 PM] dash: HELP ME[11:48:51 PM] Kai: what[11:48:52 PM] Kai: lolol[11:49:46 PM] dash: sad movie about old lesbians[11:50:02 PM] Kai: i understood that :P[11:50:04 PM] dash: one passed away[11:50:06 PM] Kai: it was just surprising[11:50:09 PM]