lesueurpeas: AHAHA i had so much fun with this ;;_;;\ i’m embarrassed about how much i enjoyed doing this…messing w/ original/final frozen designs with chubby!anna (who i’ve seen on here before i think??), elsa with more of her fathers/angular
lesueurpeas: AHAHA i had so much fun with this ;;_;;\ i’m embarrassed about how much i enjoyed doing this…messing w/ original/final frozen designs with chubby!anna (who i’ve seen on here before i think??), elsa with more of her fathers/angular
lesueurpeas: AHAHA i had so much fun with this ;;_;;\ i’m embarrassed about how much i enjoyed doing this…messing w/ original/final frozen designs with chubby!anna (who i’ve seen on here before i think??), elsa with more of her fathers/angular
lesueurpeas: AHAHA i had so much fun with this ;;_;;\ i’m embarrassed about how much i enjoyed doing this…messing w/ original/final frozen designs with chubby!anna (who i’ve seen on here before i think??), elsa with more of her fathers/angular
lesueurpeas: AHAHA i had so much fun with this ;;_;;\ i’m embarrassed about how much i enjoyed doing this…messing w/ original/final frozen designs with chubby!anna (who i’ve seen on here before i think??), elsa with more of her fathers/angular
lesueurpeas: AHAHA i had so much fun with this ;;_;;\ i’m embarrassed about how much i enjoyed doing this…messing w/ original/final frozen designs with chubby!anna (who i’ve seen on here before i think??), elsa with more of her fathers/angular