Heheh… This is amusing XD but i’m also surprised. …Did they actually animate blinking nictitating membranes for these characters? I don’t remember it, so if they did they must have integrated it well with the anthropomorphism
Heheh… This is amusing XD but i’m also surprised. …Did they actually animate blinking nictitating membranes for these characters? I don’t remember it, so if they did they must have integrated it well with the anthropomorphism
Heheh… This is amusing XD but i’m also surprised. …Did they actually animate blinking nictitating membranes for these characters? I don’t remember it, so if they did they must have integrated it well with the anthropomorphism
Heheh… This is amusing XD but i’m also surprised. …Did they actually animate blinking nictitating membranes for these characters? I don’t remember it, so if they did they must have integrated it well with the anthropomorphism
Heheh… This is amusing XD but i’m also surprised. …Did they actually animate blinking nictitating membranes for these characters? I don’t remember it, so if they did they must have integrated it well with the anthropomorphism