From FC 2010 in San Jose. In the two photos sans-necklace-beads, Beisa is actually being worn by a friend. (Hence why i am standing there next to her in the last one :P)
From FC 2010 in San Jose. In the two photos sans-necklace-beads, Beisa is actually being worn by a friend. (Hence why i am standing there next to her in the last one :P)
From FC 2010 in San Jose. In the two photos sans-necklace-beads, Beisa is actually being worn by a friend. (Hence why i am standing there next to her in the last one :P)
From FC 2010 in San Jose. In the two photos sans-necklace-beads, Beisa is actually being worn by a friend. (Hence why i am standing there next to her in the last one :P)
From FC 2010 in San Jose. In the two photos sans-necklace-beads, Beisa is actually being worn by a friend. (Hence why i am standing there next to her in the last one :P)