naughtynaughtyluna: You can see more of my little prodigy Pip if you follow this deliciously not safe for work link: He’s such a fast learner. They grow up so quick. *sniff* QUIT SQUIRMING, LYRA! fffffff <3
naughtynaughtyluna: You can see more of my little prodigy Pip if you follow this deliciously not safe for work link: He’s such a fast learner. They grow up so quick. *sniff* QUIT SQUIRMING, LYRA! fffffff <3
naughtynaughtyluna: You can see more of my little prodigy Pip if you follow this deliciously not safe for work link: He’s such a fast learner. They grow up so quick. *sniff* QUIT SQUIRMING, LYRA! fffffff <3
naughtynaughtyluna: You can see more of my little prodigy Pip if you follow this deliciously not safe for work link: He’s such a fast learner. They grow up so quick. *sniff* QUIT SQUIRMING, LYRA! fffffff <3