His Adult Pics
Superman, the death in Nuclear Man’s hands! The kryptonite torture is so GOOD! Oh, God!
Superman, the death in Nuclear Man’s hands! The kryptonite torture is so GOOD! Oh, God!
Superman, the death in Nuclear Man’s hands! The kryptonite torture is so GOOD! Oh, God!
Superman, the death in Nuclear Man’s hands! The kryptonite torture is so GOOD! Oh, God!
So Weak&Amp;Hellip;Poor Superman&Amp;Hellip;The Stupid And Naked Super Hero!
“Oh&Amp;Hellip;The Weakness, The Pain&Amp;Hellip;Kryptonite.. So Strong Torture For Me&Amp;Hellip;Oh&Amp;Hellip;”
Oh&Amp;Hellip;So Weak&Amp;Hellip;The Pain&Amp;Hellip;Kryptonite&Amp;Hellip;Eargh&Amp;Hellip;
Yeah, Superman&Amp;Hellip;Do You Like My Gift For You, A Kryptonite Piercing? It Was Very Good On You!
Oh, No! That Kryptonite&Amp;Hellip;Destroying Me&Amp;Hellip;Ouch! Oh&Amp;Hellip;So Weak&Amp;Hellip;That Pain!
Help! Someone, For God&Amp;Rsquo;S Sake, Help Me! The Kryptonite Is Killing Me! I Can Not Stand These Terrible Deadly Ray &Amp;Hellip; My Naked Body, It&Amp;Rsquo;S All Sore!
&Amp;Ldquo;Luthor, By God! I Surrender &Amp;Hellip; Please, Get Me Out Of This Place! The Kryptonite Impregnated On The Floor Of This Room &Amp;Hellip; Is Destroying All My Strenght &Amp;Hellip; I&Amp;Rsquo;M Almost &Amp;Hellip; Dying &Amp;Hellip; Have Come Of Me, Luthor! I Beg!&Amp;Rdq
&Amp;Ldquo;Luthor &Amp;Hellip; Eargh &Amp;Hellip; Why? The Radiation &Amp;Hellip; From &Amp;Hellip; Kryptonite &Amp;Hellip; Is Much Stronger &Amp;Hellip; My Body &Amp;Hellip; All In Pain! No &Amp;Hellip; I Can &Amp;Hellip; Resist &Amp;Hellip; It&Amp;Rsquo;S Useless To Try &Amp;Hellip; You&Amp;Rsquo;Ve Won!
Superman In Total Weakness&Amp;Hellip;Poor And Naked Super Hero!The Kryptonite Is Much Strong For Him!
&Amp;Ldquo;You Will Not Leave Alive From My Lair, Superman! These Kryptonite Chains Will End Your Life! You Are A Pervy And Naked Alien! &Amp;Rdquo;
Oh, No&Amp;Hellip;Metallo!The Kryptonite In His Body&Amp;Hellip;I Feel So&Amp;Hellip;Weak!
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