Collecting this lil’ bitches was my life! A shiny Ayoria was the equivalent of going into a cave full of Legendary pokemon with as many Master Balls as you want! *hyperventilating* But so many friendships were at risk because of them lol
Collecting this lil’ bitches was my life! A shiny Ayoria was the equivalent of going into a cave full of Legendary pokemon with as many Master Balls as you want! *hyperventilating* But so many friendships were at risk because of them lol
Collecting this lil’ bitches was my life! A shiny Ayoria was the equivalent of going into a cave full of Legendary pokemon with as many Master Balls as you want! *hyperventilating* But so many friendships were at risk because of them lol
Collecting this lil’ bitches was my life! A shiny Ayoria was the equivalent of going into a cave full of Legendary pokemon with as many Master Balls as you want! *hyperventilating* But so many friendships were at risk because of them lol