cosplayheaven69: Cosplayer: Ketrin Cosplay. Country: France. Cosplay: Katarina from League of Legends. Photos by: Kimimaro Meteordust Photography.
cosplayheaven69: Cosplayer: Ketrin Cosplay. Country: France. Cosplay: Katarina from League of Legends. Photos by: Kimimaro Meteordust Photography.
cosplayheaven69: Cosplayer: Ketrin Cosplay. Country: France. Cosplay: Katarina from League of Legends. Photos by: Kimimaro Meteordust Photography.
cosplayheaven69: Cosplayer: Ketrin Cosplay. Country: France. Cosplay: Katarina from League of Legends. Photos by: Kimimaro Meteordust Photography.
cosplayheaven69: Cosplayer: Ketrin Cosplay. Country: France. Cosplay: Katarina from League of Legends. Photos by: Kimimaro Meteordust Photography.