recovering-and-healing: “KNOW ONE THING. Life is terminal. It is going to end, and you have absolutely no idea when, how or why it will end. And for that reason, live each day like it’s the LAST.” — (via your-recovery-space)
recovering-and-healing: “KNOW ONE THING. Life is terminal. It is going to end, and you have absolutely no idea when, how or why it will end. And for that reason, live each day like it’s the LAST.” — (via your-recovery-space)
recovering-and-healing: “KNOW ONE THING. Life is terminal. It is going to end, and you have absolutely no idea when, how or why it will end. And for that reason, live each day like it’s the LAST.” — (via your-recovery-space)
recovering-and-healing: “KNOW ONE THING. Life is terminal. It is going to end, and you have absolutely no idea when, how or why it will end. And for that reason, live each day like it’s the LAST.” — (via your-recovery-space)
recovering-and-healing: “KNOW ONE THING. Life is terminal. It is going to end, and you have absolutely no idea when, how or why it will end. And for that reason, live each day like it’s the LAST.” — (via your-recovery-space)
recovering-and-healing: “KNOW ONE THING. Life is terminal. It is going to end, and you have absolutely no idea when, how or why it will end. And for that reason, live each day like it’s the LAST.” — (via your-recovery-space)
recovering-and-healing: “KNOW ONE THING. Life is terminal. It is going to end, and you have absolutely no idea when, how or why it will end. And for that reason, live each day like it’s the LAST.” — (via your-recovery-space)
recovering-and-healing: “KNOW ONE THING. Life is terminal. It is going to end, and you have absolutely no idea when, how or why it will end. And for that reason, live each day like it’s the LAST.” — (via your-recovery-space)
recovering-and-healing: “KNOW ONE THING. Life is terminal. It is going to end, and you have absolutely no idea when, how or why it will end. And for that reason, live each day like it’s the LAST.” — (via your-recovery-space)
recovering-and-healing: “KNOW ONE THING. Life is terminal. It is going to end, and you have absolutely no idea when, how or why it will end. And for that reason, live each day like it’s the LAST.” — (via your-recovery-space)