renccentric: Starry Night “Inoue, want to watch the meteor shower with me?” “Yes! I’d love too! I’ll make lots of wishes!” “What will you wish for?” “Well, you know, end world hunger, to rain donuts, for Tatsuki to win the Nationals,
renccentric: Starry Night “Inoue, want to watch the meteor shower with me?” “Yes! I’d love too! I’ll make lots of wishes!” “What will you wish for?” “Well, you know, end world hunger, to rain donuts, for Tatsuki to win the Nationals,
renccentric: Starry Night “Inoue, want to watch the meteor shower with me?” “Yes! I’d love too! I’ll make lots of wishes!” “What will you wish for?” “Well, you know, end world hunger, to rain donuts, for Tatsuki to win the Nationals,
renccentric: Starry Night “Inoue, want to watch the meteor shower with me?” “Yes! I’d love too! I’ll make lots of wishes!” “What will you wish for?” “Well, you know, end world hunger, to rain donuts, for Tatsuki to win the Nationals,
renccentric: Starry Night “Inoue, want to watch the meteor shower with me?” “Yes! I’d love too! I’ll make lots of wishes!” “What will you wish for?” “Well, you know, end world hunger, to rain donuts, for Tatsuki to win the Nationals,