thekingyeager: reiner—braun: ”Attack On Titan” Live Action Film’s Eren Casting Confirmed The actor to play Eren Yeager for the live-action Attack On Titan was announced on April 2nd in Japan. Haruma Miura, who is known as Shota Kazehaya
thekingyeager: reiner—braun: ”Attack On Titan” Live Action Film’s Eren Casting Confirmed The actor to play Eren Yeager for the live-action Attack On Titan was announced on April 2nd in Japan. Haruma Miura, who is known as Shota Kazehaya
thekingyeager: reiner—braun: ”Attack On Titan” Live Action Film’s Eren Casting Confirmed The actor to play Eren Yeager for the live-action Attack On Titan was announced on April 2nd in Japan. Haruma Miura, who is known as Shota Kazehaya
thekingyeager: reiner—braun: ”Attack On Titan” Live Action Film’s Eren Casting Confirmed The actor to play Eren Yeager for the live-action Attack On Titan was announced on April 2nd in Japan. Haruma Miura, who is known as Shota Kazehaya