oooohhh my god please don’t tell me that this is the reason why Garnet never told Steven about her being a fusion till he was older because she thought he might not understand like he did when he was a baby
oooohhh my god please don’t tell me that this is the reason why Garnet never told Steven about her being a fusion till he was older because she thought he might not understand like he did when he was a baby
oooohhh my god please don’t tell me that this is the reason why Garnet never told Steven about her being a fusion till he was older because she thought he might not understand like he did when he was a baby
oooohhh my god please don’t tell me that this is the reason why Garnet never told Steven about her being a fusion till he was older because she thought he might not understand like he did when he was a baby
oooohhh my god please don’t tell me that this is the reason why Garnet never told Steven about her being a fusion till he was older because she thought he might not understand like he did when he was a baby
oooohhh my god please don’t tell me that this is the reason why Garnet never told Steven about her being a fusion till he was older because she thought he might not understand like he did when he was a baby
oooohhh my god please don’t tell me that this is the reason why Garnet never told Steven about her being a fusion till he was older because she thought he might not understand like he did when he was a baby
oooohhh my god please don’t tell me that this is the reason why Garnet never told Steven about her being a fusion till he was older because she thought he might not understand like he did when he was a baby
oooohhh my god please don’t tell me that this is the reason why Garnet never told Steven about her being a fusion till he was older because she thought he might not understand like he did when he was a baby
oooohhh my god please don’t tell me that this is the reason why Garnet never told Steven about her being a fusion till he was older because she thought he might not understand like he did when he was a baby