spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being
spatialheather: “Is the strong part of you Ruby and the wise part of you Sapphire?” - Steven / “It’s all of both…”- Garnet “I didn’t want to look for a solution, I just wanted to be mad! You’re right! You’re always right! I was being