I love how Ruby and Sapphire came up with the plan, and it was ENTIRELY their fault that the plan failed because they just couldn’t contain their gay for each other for even .02 seconds
I love how Ruby and Sapphire came up with the plan, and it was ENTIRELY their fault that the plan failed because they just couldn’t contain their gay for each other for even .02 seconds
I love how Ruby and Sapphire came up with the plan, and it was ENTIRELY their fault that the plan failed because they just couldn’t contain their gay for each other for even .02 seconds
I love how Ruby and Sapphire came up with the plan, and it was ENTIRELY their fault that the plan failed because they just couldn’t contain their gay for each other for even .02 seconds
I love how Ruby and Sapphire came up with the plan, and it was ENTIRELY their fault that the plan failed because they just couldn’t contain their gay for each other for even .02 seconds
I love how Ruby and Sapphire came up with the plan, and it was ENTIRELY their fault that the plan failed because they just couldn’t contain their gay for each other for even .02 seconds
I love how Ruby and Sapphire came up with the plan, and it was ENTIRELY their fault that the plan failed because they just couldn’t contain their gay for each other for even .02 seconds
I love how Ruby and Sapphire came up with the plan, and it was ENTIRELY their fault that the plan failed because they just couldn’t contain their gay for each other for even .02 seconds
I love how Ruby and Sapphire came up with the plan, and it was ENTIRELY their fault that the plan failed because they just couldn’t contain their gay for each other for even .02 seconds
I love how Ruby and Sapphire came up with the plan, and it was ENTIRELY their fault that the plan failed because they just couldn’t contain their gay for each other for even .02 seconds