pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what
pir8: i think its interesting when garnet says “sapphire had seen her whole life laid out before her, and she had accepted it” because ruby has done essentially the same thing. sure she hasnt physically seen it in the same way, but she knows what