Okay but what’s really making me laugh is the fact that the person always puts quotations around the world calm when in reference to Sapphire like ‘…’Mostly Ruby, while Sapphire wants to remain ‘calm’Looks like we might ACTUALLY GET ‘NO
Okay but what’s really making me laugh is the fact that the person always puts quotations around the world calm when in reference to Sapphire like ‘…’Mostly Ruby, while Sapphire wants to remain ‘calm’Looks like we might ACTUALLY GET ‘NO
Okay but what’s really making me laugh is the fact that the person always puts quotations around the world calm when in reference to Sapphire like ‘…’Mostly Ruby, while Sapphire wants to remain ‘calm’Looks like we might ACTUALLY GET ‘NO
Okay but what’s really making me laugh is the fact that the person always puts quotations around the world calm when in reference to Sapphire like ‘…’Mostly Ruby, while Sapphire wants to remain ‘calm’Looks like we might ACTUALLY GET ‘NO
Okay but what’s really making me laugh is the fact that the person always puts quotations around the world calm when in reference to Sapphire like ‘…’Mostly Ruby, while Sapphire wants to remain ‘calm’Looks like we might ACTUALLY GET ‘NO
Okay but what’s really making me laugh is the fact that the person always puts quotations around the world calm when in reference to Sapphire like ‘…’Mostly Ruby, while Sapphire wants to remain ‘calm’Looks like we might ACTUALLY GET ‘NO
Okay but what’s really making me laugh is the fact that the person always puts quotations around the world calm when in reference to Sapphire like ‘…’Mostly Ruby, while Sapphire wants to remain ‘calm’Looks like we might ACTUALLY GET ‘NO
Okay but what’s really making me laugh is the fact that the person always puts quotations around the world calm when in reference to Sapphire like ‘…’Mostly Ruby, while Sapphire wants to remain ‘calm’Looks like we might ACTUALLY GET ‘NO
Okay but what’s really making me laugh is the fact that the person always puts quotations around the world calm when in reference to Sapphire like ‘…’Mostly Ruby, while Sapphire wants to remain ‘calm’Looks like we might ACTUALLY GET ‘NO
Okay but what’s really making me laugh is the fact that the person always puts quotations around the world calm when in reference to Sapphire like ‘…’Mostly Ruby, while Sapphire wants to remain ‘calm’Looks like we might ACTUALLY GET ‘NO