bluedogeyes: Vault boys by Pa-Go Tomb Raider:“Vault Raider”You jump twice as high as normal when not wearing any armor.Assassin’s Creed:“De-Synchronized”This Perk unlocks the “Vault Dweller” Missions: use the Vault Automated Neo-Cortical
bluedogeyes: Vault boys by Pa-Go Tomb Raider:“Vault Raider”You jump twice as high as normal when not wearing any armor.Assassin’s Creed:“De-Synchronized”This Perk unlocks the “Vault Dweller” Missions: use the Vault Automated Neo-Cortical
bluedogeyes: Vault boys by Pa-Go Tomb Raider:“Vault Raider”You jump twice as high as normal when not wearing any armor.Assassin’s Creed:“De-Synchronized”This Perk unlocks the “Vault Dweller” Missions: use the Vault Automated Neo-Cortical