Shame Game shitposts from the lovely GatsThe party’s Dragonborn Paladin and human fighter have split off on their own quest, so the party’s gotten two new dwarves: Regadin the cleric of Moradin and Kathra the blacksmith and fighter. The aasimar monk,
Shame Game shitposts from the lovely GatsThe party’s Dragonborn Paladin and human fighter have split off on their own quest, so the party’s gotten two new dwarves: Regadin the cleric of Moradin and Kathra the blacksmith and fighter. The aasimar monk,
Shame Game shitposts from the lovely GatsThe party’s Dragonborn Paladin and human fighter have split off on their own quest, so the party’s gotten two new dwarves: Regadin the cleric of Moradin and Kathra the blacksmith and fighter. The aasimar monk,
Shame Game shitposts from the lovely GatsThe party’s Dragonborn Paladin and human fighter have split off on their own quest, so the party’s gotten two new dwarves: Regadin the cleric of Moradin and Kathra the blacksmith and fighter. The aasimar monk,
Shame Game shitposts from the lovely GatsThe party’s Dragonborn Paladin and human fighter have split off on their own quest, so the party’s gotten two new dwarves: Regadin the cleric of Moradin and Kathra the blacksmith and fighter. The aasimar monk,