flashingchallenge: We sat right next to the waitress station/drink station so we were sure to be a high risk,are waiter a young guy in his early 20s got a real good eye full so Chris left her shirt unbuttoned enough he could still get a view he checked
flashingchallenge: We sat right next to the waitress station/drink station so we were sure to be a high risk,are waiter a young guy in his early 20s got a real good eye full so Chris left her shirt unbuttoned enough he could still get a view he checked
flashingchallenge: We sat right next to the waitress station/drink station so we were sure to be a high risk,are waiter a young guy in his early 20s got a real good eye full so Chris left her shirt unbuttoned enough he could still get a view he checked
flashingchallenge: We sat right next to the waitress station/drink station so we were sure to be a high risk,are waiter a young guy in his early 20s got a real good eye full so Chris left her shirt unbuttoned enough he could still get a view he checked