kanelfa: Warmed up earlier today doing some doodles on an NC server I hosted with some art friends. Just compiled/cropped a bunch of the Fei’s, colored up a few that I drew! (nyanchat, it’s basically open canvas / drawpile with friends )Still
kanelfa: Warmed up earlier today doing some doodles on an NC server I hosted with some art friends. Just compiled/cropped a bunch of the Fei’s, colored up a few that I drew! (nyanchat, it’s basically open canvas / drawpile with friends )Still
kanelfa: Warmed up earlier today doing some doodles on an NC server I hosted with some art friends. Just compiled/cropped a bunch of the Fei’s, colored up a few that I drew! (nyanchat, it’s basically open canvas / drawpile with friends )Still
kanelfa: Warmed up earlier today doing some doodles on an NC server I hosted with some art friends. Just compiled/cropped a bunch of the Fei’s, colored up a few that I drew! (nyanchat, it’s basically open canvas / drawpile with friends )Still