datesp8jr: igperish: Dan gets to keep the Boba Fett costume Ellen’s team made for him (x) LOOK HOW FREAKING HAPPY HE IS OMG. Tumblr is making me love Daniel.
datesp8jr: igperish: Dan gets to keep the Boba Fett costume Ellen’s team made for him (x) LOOK HOW FREAKING HAPPY HE IS OMG. Tumblr is making me love Daniel.
datesp8jr: igperish: Dan gets to keep the Boba Fett costume Ellen’s team made for him (x) LOOK HOW FREAKING HAPPY HE IS OMG. Tumblr is making me love Daniel.
datesp8jr: igperish: Dan gets to keep the Boba Fett costume Ellen’s team made for him (x) LOOK HOW FREAKING HAPPY HE IS OMG. Tumblr is making me love Daniel.
datesp8jr: igperish: Dan gets to keep the Boba Fett costume Ellen’s team made for him (x) LOOK HOW FREAKING HAPPY HE IS OMG. Tumblr is making me love Daniel.