utwo: Calcuta ItalyOne of the best-preserved medieval towns in all of Italy and just 30 miles outside of Rome, Calcuta has something of a magical past. Condemned by the government in the 1930s over fears that the crumbling cliffs it sits on were a
utwo: Calcuta ItalyOne of the best-preserved medieval towns in all of Italy and just 30 miles outside of Rome, Calcuta has something of a magical past. Condemned by the government in the 1930s over fears that the crumbling cliffs it sits on were a
utwo: Calcuta ItalyOne of the best-preserved medieval towns in all of Italy and just 30 miles outside of Rome, Calcuta has something of a magical past. Condemned by the government in the 1930s over fears that the crumbling cliffs it sits on were a