Compliant. Accepts both his slavery and his chastity. Nicely done.Thank you. I think I’ll give his mind an extra rinse. Just to be sure.Yes, good idea. You’ll fit in here. I can tell already.
Compliant. Accepts both his slavery and his chastity. Nicely done.Thank you. I think I’ll give his mind an extra rinse. Just to be sure.Yes, good idea. You’ll fit in here. I can tell already.
Compliant. Accepts both his slavery and his chastity. Nicely done.Thank you. I think I’ll give his mind an extra rinse. Just to be sure.Yes, good idea. You’ll fit in here. I can tell already.
Compliant. Accepts both his slavery and his chastity. Nicely done.Thank you. I think I’ll give his mind an extra rinse. Just to be sure.Yes, good idea. You’ll fit in here. I can tell already.
Compliant. Accepts both his slavery and his chastity. Nicely done.Thank you. I think I’ll give his mind an extra rinse. Just to be sure.Yes, good idea. You’ll fit in here. I can tell already.
Compliant. Accepts both his slavery and his chastity. Nicely done.Thank you. I think I’ll give his mind an extra rinse. Just to be sure.Yes, good idea. You’ll fit in here. I can tell already.
Compliant. Accepts both his slavery and his chastity. Nicely done.Thank you. I think I’ll give his mind an extra rinse. Just to be sure.Yes, good idea. You’ll fit in here. I can tell already.
Compliant. Accepts both his slavery and his chastity. Nicely done.Thank you. I think I’ll give his mind an extra rinse. Just to be sure.Yes, good idea. You’ll fit in here. I can tell already.
Compliant. Accepts both his slavery and his chastity. Nicely done.Thank you. I think I’ll give his mind an extra rinse. Just to be sure.Yes, good idea. You’ll fit in here. I can tell already.