That awkward moment when you're sitting and eating with friends and someone says something disgusting & everyone is like "eeeeww, I don't want to eat anymore" and you're like this:
That awkward moment when you're sitting and eating with friends and someone says something disgusting & everyone is like "eeeeww, I don't want to eat anymore" and you're like this:
That awkward moment when you're sitting and eating with friends and someone says something disgusting & everyone is like "eeeeww, I don't want to eat anymore" and you're like this:
That awkward moment when you're sitting and eating with friends and someone says something disgusting & everyone is like "eeeeww, I don't want to eat anymore" and you're like this:
That awkward moment when you're sitting and eating with friends and someone says something disgusting & everyone is like "eeeeww, I don't want to eat anymore" and you're like this: