greedylittlessslut: The first time I met Daddy, he confidently walked into my English course introducing himself as the new substitute. He looked exactly like the kind of man I could see myself with—wedding ring and all. I’ve always done well
greedylittlessslut: The first time I met Daddy, he confidently walked into my English course introducing himself as the new substitute. He looked exactly like the kind of man I could see myself with—wedding ring and all. I’ve always done well
greedylittlessslut: The first time I met Daddy, he confidently walked into my English course introducing himself as the new substitute. He looked exactly like the kind of man I could see myself with—wedding ring and all. I’ve always done well
greedylittlessslut: The first time I met Daddy, he confidently walked into my English course introducing himself as the new substitute. He looked exactly like the kind of man I could see myself with—wedding ring and all. I’ve always done well