notdbd: notdbd: Video. Not my gym, not similar to my gym. I’ve never seen this layout, especially with the tiny “drying off” area. It does appear to be an open shower room, though, which I like, as it promotes showertime conversations and male
notdbd: notdbd: Video. Not my gym, not similar to my gym. I’ve never seen this layout, especially with the tiny “drying off” area. It does appear to be an open shower room, though, which I like, as it promotes showertime conversations and male
notdbd: notdbd: Video. Not my gym, not similar to my gym. I’ve never seen this layout, especially with the tiny “drying off” area. It does appear to be an open shower room, though, which I like, as it promotes showertime conversations and male
notdbd: notdbd: Video. Not my gym, not similar to my gym. I’ve never seen this layout, especially with the tiny “drying off” area. It does appear to be an open shower room, though, which I like, as it promotes showertime conversations and male
notdbd: notdbd: Video. Not my gym, not similar to my gym. I’ve never seen this layout, especially with the tiny “drying off” area. It does appear to be an open shower room, though, which I like, as it promotes showertime conversations and male