drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD
drrockbell: —“Feed the sparks that come anew, don’t blow on the old burnt ashes hoping they’ll start again.” humanedspresso: This is why I try to reblog things that have little notes - the fandom NEEDS new people, or it dies, but the OLD