thisishangingrockcomics: Him: did it hurt? When you fell? Me: from heaven? Not at all ;~). Do you want my numb- Him: no I mean when you fell out of that uber I watched you trip on your heel and just kind of lay on the pavement for about ten minutes
thisishangingrockcomics: Him: did it hurt? When you fell? Me: from heaven? Not at all ;~). Do you want my numb- Him: no I mean when you fell out of that uber I watched you trip on your heel and just kind of lay on the pavement for about ten minutes
thisishangingrockcomics: Him: did it hurt? When you fell? Me: from heaven? Not at all ;~). Do you want my numb- Him: no I mean when you fell out of that uber I watched you trip on your heel and just kind of lay on the pavement for about ten minutes