oddcontemplations: “Nobody knows the real me, they know what they’ve been shown. Well, no ones made of stone, deep down I’m lost and so alone”
oddcontemplations: “Nobody knows the real me, they know what they’ve been shown. Well, no ones made of stone, deep down I’m lost and so alone”
oddcontemplations: “Nobody knows the real me, they know what they’ve been shown. Well, no ones made of stone, deep down I’m lost and so alone”
oddcontemplations: “Nobody knows the real me, they know what they’ve been shown. Well, no ones made of stone, deep down I’m lost and so alone”
oddcontemplations: “Nobody knows the real me, they know what they’ve been shown. Well, no ones made of stone, deep down I’m lost and so alone”
oddcontemplations: “Nobody knows the real me, they know what they’ve been shown. Well, no ones made of stone, deep down I’m lost and so alone”
oddcontemplations: “Nobody knows the real me, they know what they’ve been shown. Well, no ones made of stone, deep down I’m lost and so alone”
oddcontemplations: “Nobody knows the real me, they know what they’ve been shown. Well, no ones made of stone, deep down I’m lost and so alone”
oddcontemplations: “Nobody knows the real me, they know what they’ve been shown. Well, no ones made of stone, deep down I’m lost and so alone”
oddcontemplations: “Nobody knows the real me, they know what they’ve been shown. Well, no ones made of stone, deep down I’m lost and so alone”
oddcontemplations: “Nobody knows the real me, they know what they’ve been shown. Well, no ones made of stone, deep down I’m lost and so alone”