rjlrd: aminskyfan: There are countless brave men and women giving themselves for your flag. And they do this without asking for anything in return. The absolute least we can do to return their favor - is give them whatever they need to become whole
rjlrd: aminskyfan: There are countless brave men and women giving themselves for your flag. And they do this without asking for anything in return. The absolute least we can do to return their favor - is give them whatever they need to become whole
rjlrd: aminskyfan: There are countless brave men and women giving themselves for your flag. And they do this without asking for anything in return. The absolute least we can do to return their favor - is give them whatever they need to become whole
rjlrd: aminskyfan: There are countless brave men and women giving themselves for your flag. And they do this without asking for anything in return. The absolute least we can do to return their favor - is give them whatever they need to become whole