origies: Robert Baratheons curse Part 2 [Part 1] : - Tells Sansa she is a “pretty lady”. Her life turned out the opposite of what a pretty lady’s does- Asks Arya what her name is. Arya ends up with faceless men who have no identity- Tells Bran
origies: Robert Baratheons curse Part 2 [Part 1] : - Tells Sansa she is a “pretty lady”. Her life turned out the opposite of what a pretty lady’s does- Asks Arya what her name is. Arya ends up with faceless men who have no identity- Tells Bran
origies: Robert Baratheons curse Part 2 [Part 1] : - Tells Sansa she is a “pretty lady”. Her life turned out the opposite of what a pretty lady’s does- Asks Arya what her name is. Arya ends up with faceless men who have no identity- Tells Bran
origies: Robert Baratheons curse Part 2 [Part 1] : - Tells Sansa she is a “pretty lady”. Her life turned out the opposite of what a pretty lady’s does- Asks Arya what her name is. Arya ends up with faceless men who have no identity- Tells Bran
origies: Robert Baratheons curse Part 2 [Part 1] : - Tells Sansa she is a “pretty lady”. Her life turned out the opposite of what a pretty lady’s does- Asks Arya what her name is. Arya ends up with faceless men who have no identity- Tells Bran
origies: Robert Baratheons curse Part 2 [Part 1] : - Tells Sansa she is a “pretty lady”. Her life turned out the opposite of what a pretty lady’s does- Asks Arya what her name is. Arya ends up with faceless men who have no identity- Tells Bran
origies: Robert Baratheons curse Part 2 [Part 1] : - Tells Sansa she is a “pretty lady”. Her life turned out the opposite of what a pretty lady’s does- Asks Arya what her name is. Arya ends up with faceless men who have no identity- Tells Bran