aithris: What if-(please let’s pretend I posted this before we knew about Squaridot’s existence, I had already doodled this by then and felt bad about throwing the whole comic away. It’s not like this was meant to be taken seriously anyway.I hope
aithris: What if-(please let’s pretend I posted this before we knew about Squaridot’s existence, I had already doodled this by then and felt bad about throwing the whole comic away. It’s not like this was meant to be taken seriously anyway.I hope
aithris: What if-(please let’s pretend I posted this before we knew about Squaridot’s existence, I had already doodled this by then and felt bad about throwing the whole comic away. It’s not like this was meant to be taken seriously anyway.I hope
aithris: What if-(please let’s pretend I posted this before we knew about Squaridot’s existence, I had already doodled this by then and felt bad about throwing the whole comic away. It’s not like this was meant to be taken seriously anyway.I hope
aithris: What if-(please let’s pretend I posted this before we knew about Squaridot’s existence, I had already doodled this by then and felt bad about throwing the whole comic away. It’s not like this was meant to be taken seriously anyway.I hope
aithris: What if-(please let’s pretend I posted this before we knew about Squaridot’s existence, I had already doodled this by then and felt bad about throwing the whole comic away. It’s not like this was meant to be taken seriously anyway.I hope
aithris: What if-(please let’s pretend I posted this before we knew about Squaridot’s existence, I had already doodled this by then and felt bad about throwing the whole comic away. It’s not like this was meant to be taken seriously anyway.I hope
aithris: What if-(please let’s pretend I posted this before we knew about Squaridot’s existence, I had already doodled this by then and felt bad about throwing the whole comic away. It’s not like this was meant to be taken seriously anyway.I hope
aithris: What if-(please let’s pretend I posted this before we knew about Squaridot’s existence, I had already doodled this by then and felt bad about throwing the whole comic away. It’s not like this was meant to be taken seriously anyway.I hope
aithris: What if-(please let’s pretend I posted this before we knew about Squaridot’s existence, I had already doodled this by then and felt bad about throwing the whole comic away. It’s not like this was meant to be taken seriously anyway.I hope
aithris: What if-(please let’s pretend I posted this before we knew about Squaridot’s existence, I had already doodled this by then and felt bad about throwing the whole comic away. It’s not like this was meant to be taken seriously anyway.I hope