segasmastersystem: PPG actually has some really talented storyboard artists behind them which i’m pretty sure it’s heartbreaking to them when they watch their hard work convert into this strange degraded style devoid of any personality or expressive
segasmastersystem: PPG actually has some really talented storyboard artists behind them which i’m pretty sure it’s heartbreaking to them when they watch their hard work convert into this strange degraded style devoid of any personality or expressive
segasmastersystem: PPG actually has some really talented storyboard artists behind them which i’m pretty sure it’s heartbreaking to them when they watch their hard work convert into this strange degraded style devoid of any personality or expressive
segasmastersystem: PPG actually has some really talented storyboard artists behind them which i’m pretty sure it’s heartbreaking to them when they watch their hard work convert into this strange degraded style devoid of any personality or expressive
segasmastersystem: PPG actually has some really talented storyboard artists behind them which i’m pretty sure it’s heartbreaking to them when they watch their hard work convert into this strange degraded style devoid of any personality or expressive