somehow-you-will: No life can escape being blown aboutby the winds of change and chance. And though you never know all the steps,you must learn to join the dance.
somehow-you-will: No life can escape being blown aboutby the winds of change and chance. And though you never know all the steps,you must learn to join the dance.
somehow-you-will: No life can escape being blown aboutby the winds of change and chance. And though you never know all the steps,you must learn to join the dance.
somehow-you-will: No life can escape being blown aboutby the winds of change and chance. And though you never know all the steps,you must learn to join the dance.
somehow-you-will: No life can escape being blown aboutby the winds of change and chance. And though you never know all the steps,you must learn to join the dance.
somehow-you-will: No life can escape being blown aboutby the winds of change and chance. And though you never know all the steps,you must learn to join the dance.
somehow-you-will: No life can escape being blown aboutby the winds of change and chance. And though you never know all the steps,you must learn to join the dance.
somehow-you-will: No life can escape being blown aboutby the winds of change and chance. And though you never know all the steps,you must learn to join the dance.
somehow-you-will: No life can escape being blown aboutby the winds of change and chance. And though you never know all the steps,you must learn to join the dance.