cuck73: The immigrant, part 6. - Danny, I was just thinking.. you know that broken chair that we haven’t fixed for ages and ages.. Bull has a friend who’s a carpenter.. - Oh, ok.. a swedish carpenter? - No no, it’s a friend of his from Nigeria
cuck73: The immigrant, part 6. - Danny, I was just thinking.. you know that broken chair that we haven’t fixed for ages and ages.. Bull has a friend who’s a carpenter.. - Oh, ok.. a swedish carpenter? - No no, it’s a friend of his from Nigeria
cuck73: The immigrant, part 6. - Danny, I was just thinking.. you know that broken chair that we haven’t fixed for ages and ages.. Bull has a friend who’s a carpenter.. - Oh, ok.. a swedish carpenter? - No no, it’s a friend of his from Nigeria
cuck73: The immigrant, part 6. - Danny, I was just thinking.. you know that broken chair that we haven’t fixed for ages and ages.. Bull has a friend who’s a carpenter.. - Oh, ok.. a swedish carpenter? - No no, it’s a friend of his from Nigeria