najmani: so collegeboard recently stated that they would revise the SAT to make the question more relevant to what students actually learn in high school. here’s twitter’s response 😭😭
najmani: so collegeboard recently stated that they would revise the SAT to make the question more relevant to what students actually learn in high school. here’s twitter’s response 😭😭
najmani: so collegeboard recently stated that they would revise the SAT to make the question more relevant to what students actually learn in high school. here’s twitter’s response 😭😭
najmani: so collegeboard recently stated that they would revise the SAT to make the question more relevant to what students actually learn in high school. here’s twitter’s response 😭😭
najmani: so collegeboard recently stated that they would revise the SAT to make the question more relevant to what students actually learn in high school. here’s twitter’s response 😭😭
najmani: so collegeboard recently stated that they would revise the SAT to make the question more relevant to what students actually learn in high school. here’s twitter’s response 😭😭