romeoandjulietfan: for my mind misgivessome consequence yet hanging in the starsshall bitterly begin his fearful datewith this night’s revels and expire the termof a despised life closed in my breastby some vile forfeit of untimely death
romeoandjulietfan: for my mind misgivessome consequence yet hanging in the starsshall bitterly begin his fearful datewith this night’s revels and expire the termof a despised life closed in my breastby some vile forfeit of untimely death
romeoandjulietfan: for my mind misgivessome consequence yet hanging in the starsshall bitterly begin his fearful datewith this night’s revels and expire the termof a despised life closed in my breastby some vile forfeit of untimely death
romeoandjulietfan: for my mind misgivessome consequence yet hanging in the starsshall bitterly begin his fearful datewith this night’s revels and expire the termof a despised life closed in my breastby some vile forfeit of untimely death