lizbobzinillustration: A piece I did to be raffled off at the MDOWA (Mason-Dixon Out Door Writers Association) conference a few weekends ago. I haven’t painted anything like this before, but I think it turned out well. :)
lizbobzinillustration: A piece I did to be raffled off at the MDOWA (Mason-Dixon Out Door Writers Association) conference a few weekends ago. I haven’t painted anything like this before, but I think it turned out well. :)
lizbobzinillustration: A piece I did to be raffled off at the MDOWA (Mason-Dixon Out Door Writers Association) conference a few weekends ago. I haven’t painted anything like this before, but I think it turned out well. :)
lizbobzinillustration: A piece I did to be raffled off at the MDOWA (Mason-Dixon Out Door Writers Association) conference a few weekends ago. I haven’t painted anything like this before, but I think it turned out well. :)