rhamphotheca: animaltoday: Bat Hawk (Macheiramphus alcinus) This medium sized hawk spends most of its time in the air. Named for its diet, the hawk mainly feeds on flying prey like bats, swallows, swifts, and the occasional insect. Their wings are
rhamphotheca: animaltoday: Bat Hawk (Macheiramphus alcinus) This medium sized hawk spends most of its time in the air. Named for its diet, the hawk mainly feeds on flying prey like bats, swallows, swifts, and the occasional insect. Their wings are
rhamphotheca: animaltoday: Bat Hawk (Macheiramphus alcinus) This medium sized hawk spends most of its time in the air. Named for its diet, the hawk mainly feeds on flying prey like bats, swallows, swifts, and the occasional insect. Their wings are