kelsium: In the haze of presidential election whatnot don’t forget to check the propositions on the ballot for your state and locality. I just discovered there’s right to work bullshit on the ballot in Virginia that I didn’t know about.
kelsium: In the haze of presidential election whatnot don’t forget to check the propositions on the ballot for your state and locality. I just discovered there’s right to work bullshit on the ballot in Virginia that I didn’t know about.
kelsium: In the haze of presidential election whatnot don’t forget to check the propositions on the ballot for your state and locality. I just discovered there’s right to work bullshit on the ballot in Virginia that I didn’t know about.
kelsium: In the haze of presidential election whatnot don’t forget to check the propositions on the ballot for your state and locality. I just discovered there’s right to work bullshit on the ballot in Virginia that I didn’t know about.