victoriousvocabulary: GENESIC [adjective] of, like or pertaining to procreation or the genitals; reproduction; genesis. Etymology: from Latin, “generation, birth” < Greek génesis, “origin, source”. [Bedelgeuse - Anatomy of a Female
victoriousvocabulary: GENESIC [adjective] of, like or pertaining to procreation or the genitals; reproduction; genesis. Etymology: from Latin, “generation, birth” < Greek génesis, “origin, source”. [Bedelgeuse - Anatomy of a Female
victoriousvocabulary: GENESIC [adjective] of, like or pertaining to procreation or the genitals; reproduction; genesis. Etymology: from Latin, “generation, birth” < Greek génesis, “origin, source”. [Bedelgeuse - Anatomy of a Female