giulswrites: “I expect so much from myself, from my mind and my body, that it’s only fair to say sorry. Sorry for complaining about being tired, without having rested properly. Sorry for overloading my mind with things and expecting to do everything
giulswrites: “I expect so much from myself, from my mind and my body, that it’s only fair to say sorry. Sorry for complaining about being tired, without having rested properly. Sorry for overloading my mind with things and expecting to do everything
giulswrites: “I expect so much from myself, from my mind and my body, that it’s only fair to say sorry. Sorry for complaining about being tired, without having rested properly. Sorry for overloading my mind with things and expecting to do everything
giulswrites: “I expect so much from myself, from my mind and my body, that it’s only fair to say sorry. Sorry for complaining about being tired, without having rested properly. Sorry for overloading my mind with things and expecting to do everything
giulswrites: “I expect so much from myself, from my mind and my body, that it’s only fair to say sorry. Sorry for complaining about being tired, without having rested properly. Sorry for overloading my mind with things and expecting to do everything
giulswrites: “I expect so much from myself, from my mind and my body, that it’s only fair to say sorry. Sorry for complaining about being tired, without having rested properly. Sorry for overloading my mind with things and expecting to do everything
giulswrites: “I expect so much from myself, from my mind and my body, that it’s only fair to say sorry. Sorry for complaining about being tired, without having rested properly. Sorry for overloading my mind with things and expecting to do everything
giulswrites: “I expect so much from myself, from my mind and my body, that it’s only fair to say sorry. Sorry for complaining about being tired, without having rested properly. Sorry for overloading my mind with things and expecting to do everything
giulswrites: “I expect so much from myself, from my mind and my body, that it’s only fair to say sorry. Sorry for complaining about being tired, without having rested properly. Sorry for overloading my mind with things and expecting to do everything
giulswrites: “I expect so much from myself, from my mind and my body, that it’s only fair to say sorry. Sorry for complaining about being tired, without having rested properly. Sorry for overloading my mind with things and expecting to do everything