masayume85: HakuMyu Pamphlet Scans - Shinsengumi Kitan (Part 6 of 19) Scanned by masayume85 // Please do not repost without permission or credit!! Filed under hakumyu pamphlet scans Hashimoto Shouhei as Saitou Hajime
masayume85: HakuMyu Pamphlet Scans - Shinsengumi Kitan (Part 6 of 19) Scanned by masayume85 // Please do not repost without permission or credit!! Filed under hakumyu pamphlet scans Hashimoto Shouhei as Saitou Hajime
masayume85: HakuMyu Pamphlet Scans - Shinsengumi Kitan (Part 6 of 19) Scanned by masayume85 // Please do not repost without permission or credit!! Filed under hakumyu pamphlet scans Hashimoto Shouhei as Saitou Hajime