deviousderpy: “Um, I’ll just read this book over here. This book on how to turn you back, Derpy. And if you get any urges or impulses, any whatsoever, you should act upon them! It is important for…um…reversal of the spell! Yes, that’s right!”
deviousderpy: “Um, I’ll just read this book over here. This book on how to turn you back, Derpy. And if you get any urges or impulses, any whatsoever, you should act upon them! It is important for…um…reversal of the spell! Yes, that’s right!”
deviousderpy: “Um, I’ll just read this book over here. This book on how to turn you back, Derpy. And if you get any urges or impulses, any whatsoever, you should act upon them! It is important for…um…reversal of the spell! Yes, that’s right!”
deviousderpy: “Um, I’ll just read this book over here. This book on how to turn you back, Derpy. And if you get any urges or impulses, any whatsoever, you should act upon them! It is important for…um…reversal of the spell! Yes, that’s right!”